Who We Are

About Our Church

Meadowdale Community Church is a God-called, Christ-united, Gospel-driven church working to grow true love for God and all people by helping people faithfully follow Jesus.


No matter where you are in your relationship with God, we want to help you move forward. We pray to see God’s will being done here on earth as it is in heaven. Toward that end, we pray to be a church where:



We believe love should be the leading edge between God’s Church and the world and that everything done in the church should be done in the context of love. We also believe love leads people to God, the source of perfect love. In light of this, we seek to be a church that leads with love.


We believe God’s revealed truth has the power to set people free from destructive lies and deadly sin.  Trusting this, we strive to consistently share the truth about God, His word, ourselves and others with humility, kindness and courage.  We aspire to be a church that frees with truth.


We believe shared hope grounded in God’s truth grows to heal wounds within and between God’s broken people. Encouraged by this, we endeavor to grow together as one new people in Christ as we progress toward our heavenly home.  We pray to be a church that heals with hope.


We believe that saving faith not only rests in the completed work of Christ for our salvation but also actively works for our spiritual maturation and the salvation of others through the advance of God’s Good News, the Gospel.  In light of this, we endeavor to be a church that serves with faith.

Meet the Pastor

Thame and his wife Suzi live in Meadowdale and have three children. Their family enjoys serving God and Meadowdale Church in a variety of ways including on the worship team, in the children’s ministry and with technical support. Thame is a graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and has served as a pastor for over 20 years. He also serves as programs director of the Foundation for Edmonds School District’s Nourishing Network, which helps local students and families in need.

Our Community