Basic Beliefs

Here is a very brief summary of our basic beliefs about the following:

– God –

We believe that there is one true, living, eternal God. We believe that He has revealed Himself to be a perfect unity of three persons – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that He is the infinitely-powerful Creator, supremely-loving Sustainer, and perfectly-righteous Ruler of all creation. We believe He is worthy of everyone’s deepest love and highest honor.


We believe God created humanity in His image to enjoy faithful loving relationships with Himself, each other and the rest of creation. Through the temptation of Satan, our original ancestors chose to disobey God. This fall from innocence corrupted humanity’s nature and environment, so that all people now sin by nature and suffer alienation from God, bringing destruction to themselves, each other and the rest of creation.


We believe God inspired human authors to write the sixty-six books of the Bible in such a way that while the various human authors’ personalities, writing styles and historical contexts are clearly evident, the entire unified work is God’s true and trustworthy revelation, as well as, His authoritative guide and standard for all matters of faith and practice.


We believe all that the Bible reveals about Jesus, including His identity as the eternal Son of God, His virgin birth, His morally perfect life, His miracles, His death on the cross to pay for our sin, His bodily resurrection, His ascension into heaven, and His return to earth to finish His saving mission and judge humanity.


We believe that only God can save people from their sin and the death that results from it. God demonstrates His love and mercy by restoring His broken relationship with sinful people through the gift of spiritual union with His sinless Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. When receiving God’s gift of salvation, a person turns from their sin and misplaced trust in their own goodness (as grounds for a right standing with God) to instead depend solely on Christ, who alone met God’s perfect standard of goodness in His life and voluntarily bore the penalty of our sin in His death. Once a person places their faith in Jesus, embracing Him as their Savior and Lord, the person becomes spiritually united with the resurrected Christ. Upon the forging of this permanent union, expressed in baptism (a sign and seal of a person’s union with Jesus in His death, burial and resurrection), God forgives the person’s sins, guarantees their place in heaven, and seals them with His indwelling Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit then progressively transforms the forgiven person, leading and enabling them to become more like Christ throughout the rest of his or her life.


We believe in reality there is but One Church, which consists of everyone whom God saves through union with Christ. We believe local churches should reflect this reality as congregations of baptized believers from all backgrounds, who grow together as one new people in Christ as they worship the one true God, observe His sacramental ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper and work to carry His message of hope to humanity. We welcome people from all faith backgrounds to explore at their own pace what it means to know God and live for Him in community with others.


We believe that in God’s perfect time, He will bring the present age to its appropriate end. At that time, Jesus Christ will return to earth from heaven to finish His saving mission and judge all people fairly. Those who reject Christ, and thus God, face eternal punishment. Those who know Him as their Savior and Lord will spend eternity in heaven with Him.